

During the course of the semester, I have learned a variety of lessons of WOVE. In this ePortfolio, I have documented my growth as a reader, writer, and listener. Here is the general gist of what I have learned and what I have included in this portfolio:


W: We (May or May Not) Have No Right to Happiness

A major writing  assignment was the textual rhetorical analysis, or TRA for short. Never in my life did I have to write a paper about how the author wrote his paper, and so I struggled writing this paper a lot. The analysis we had to write about was an article by CS Lewis. Thankfully, we were given clues in class on how Lewis wrote his article, but that only meant I had to think outside the box because my paper had to be unique. It was difficult yet thought-provoking to read between the lines and understand how the author formulated his argument. In the end, my paper took a stance, and I did not realize it until I received my paper back. However, I have learned from this experienced, and gained great knowledge.


O: Presentation and Collaborating

One English 250 assignment was actually through oral communication. We were split into groups to do an infographic project. However, one part of this project included a presentation to a board of committee members. This presentation aimed to appeal to the audience and develop reasoning to why our infographic was effective. In other words, not only did I have to to take information learned from the TRA, but I had to develop teamwork and communication skills. Our project ended up being centered around the college of human sciences, and so I created a PowerPoint that explains why our infographic is effective. Using animations, colors, and visuals, I’d like to say that it was overall a very effective presentation.


V: Infographic


This visual assignment was unlike any assignment I have ever done for an English class. In English classes, we mostly write papers and learn new grammar or sentence techniques, not create an infographic in Photoshop. At first I thought this assignment was very random, but then I realized that in the everyday world, English is not just in the form of words and papers. It is in the form of visuals, art, and more. This infographic project teaches me that. It is a real-life application to the English language.



E: ePortfolio Reflection

And finally, the electronic portion of WOVE is the ePortfolio itself. It is a place where I can see myself grow and develop as both a writer and a thinker. After all, if I do not document my learning, then am I really learning? I have included all WOVE pieces in this ePortfolio to demonstrate this.



This ePortfolio also includes a few other things, including a revision and in-class assignments. I hope you enjoy my place of documentation and see that I indeed enjoyed learning and taking English 250.