Introductory Reflection
In this section I will briefly talk about the curriculum that was followed this semester, the goals I set for myself this semester, the skills I have gained from this class and I will give an outline of my portfolio.
Course Curriculum: We started off the semester with the Writing a Summary assignment. In this assignment we read an article and were required to write an accurate summary of the article without providing our own personal opinion on the subject. After the summary, we then did the Rhetorical Analysis of a Written Text followed by the Rhetorical Analysis of a Visual Text. In these assignments we talked on the fact if the text or visual fulfilled its purpose to reach an audience successfully. We then presented our findings on the Visual Rhetorical Analysis. After this presentation we started our next assignment being the Documented Essay, which is a report on multiple viewpoints on a topic. For example my topic was if Pluto is a planet or not. We then presented our findings on the matter to the class. Which brings us to our final assignment the ePortfolio, this assignment is a summary of the works we have completed over the semester in the English 250 course.
The Goals I Set for Myself this Semester: At the beginning of this course I took some time to think about what I needed to do to be successful in this course and improve my communication skills. I started out with my weaknesses, I was aware that I needed to improve my sentence structure skills as well as my grammar. I also wanted to improve some minor details in my oral skills, such as not using fillers and expanding my vocabulary when it came to presentations.
General Knowledge I have gained from English 250: Over the past semester I have broadened my skills in communication. I have also learned many new things, such as how to successfully share the view of both sides of a topic, while still supporting my own opinion. I also learned how to better prepare myself for a presentation to a group of people.
Outline of the ePortfolio: On the About Me page you will find a small summary of my interests, accomplishments and career goals for the future. Under the Written page will be all of my major written assignments and the comparisons of my writing from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester. You can then go to the Oral section of the portfolio, where you will find my Visual Rhetorical Analysis and Documented Essay presentation slides. Following that will be the Visual section, which will contain the Visual Rhetorical Analysis essay and the reflection on it. You will then be able to see the Electronic section, which is where I will have the process of the creation of the ePortfolio. Finally, the last section of my portfolio will be my Final Course Reflection.