Hello, and welcome to my Eportfolio! You might be wondering what is an Eportfolio and what purpose does it serve? Well, this Eportfolio is an electronic portfolio of assignments, revisions, and reflections I’ve completed in my both my English 150 and English 250 class at Iowa State University. My portfolio showcases my writing journey my first semester of college and depicts the growth I’ve made throughout the semester. This Eportfolio contains several important sections that showcase my writing and each section serves as a different form of communication. This portfolio shows the growth I’ve made with visual, electronic, and verbal communication as a writer throughout the year. Below, you will find a table of contents that will briefly give an overview of what to find in my Eportfolio.
- Home ………… 1st page
- English 250 ……….. 2nd page
- About Me
- Letter to Professor Tan
- Remix Project
- Reflection on remix
- Original A5
- Revised A5
- Reflection on revision
- Reflection on Eportfolio
- English 150 ……….. 3rd Page
- About Me
- Written
- Oral
- Visual
- Electronic
- Reflections ………….. 4th page
- Final closing reflection …….. 5th page
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