This is my homepage for the ISUcomm ePortfolio. Below you will find the links to several parts of my ePortfolio.
My writing process has transformed ever since I started taking this course. Before taking this course, I did not know how to organize my paper with proper introduction, body, and conclusion. I thought I had a pretty good idea of how my paper should be organized but this course helped me refresh my writing skills.
In addition to developing my writing skills, I have also changed the way I generate initial ideas and how I go about them. Meaning, before taking this course I used to generate one idea and not give sufficient details or supporting details. My other weakness as a writer for this course was not accommodating different audiences meaning for assignment two we were supposed to write about our campus place to someone who hasn’t seen Iowa State. I did not take into account how my audience might have needed a better explanation than someone who already goes here. I learned to address audience needs in writing. Because of this, the formality of my writing should also depend on my audience as well.
After understanding my audience, I usually made my first draft which had minor errors at the beginning which I was able to fix when I revised my paper. For this course, the peer review part helped me analyze my paper in a different angle and adjust it better. And finally, I was able to submit the revised version of my paper.
When we come to my communication development I usually found myself focusing on the organization of my paper. Which were big criteria when our papers were graded. In addition to my paper, I tried to have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion when doing visuals and oral presentations as well. In doing so I found out that having those basic format gives your audience a good idea of what to expect in your overall paper, visual or oral communication.