About Me

My name is John, I am in Agricultural Studies at Iowa State University. I grew up  in a small town in Southwest Iowa called Atlantic. Growing up I participated  in many sports, but my favorite would either be soccer or football. I was also in Boy Scouts were I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. At home there was a large agricultural influence, having grown up around cattle and cash crops. I was an active member in the local 4-H club and FFA while in high school. I showed cattle, sheep, chickens, and rabbits. I also participated in static exhibits that were featured in the main building. After high school I joined the Army. While in the Army I participated in Air Assault operations training and multiple leadership courses. In 2015 I deployed to Afghanistan, where I spent nine months in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel. Our operation was focused on training and advising Afghan military. I got out of the Army in the fall of 2016. That same fall I met my fiancee Rebecca who got me interested in coming to Iowa State. I am very lucky to have her as support as I work my way through my 4 years here. We spend a lot of time outside, either camping, fishing, shooting, or playing with our two dogs Duke and Lily.