

In this ePortfolio, there are a variety of communication techniques taught throughout the semester in English 250H with Dr. Shenk. The assignments highlight skills, most notably learning to “share the same language”, that have been developed throughout the semester to more effectively communicate with various audiences regardless of their skill level. The development of these skills is essential as an Industrial Engineer to the creation of more efficient Graphic User Interfaces (Visual and Electronic communication) and the discovery and explanation of the “root causes” of issues.

Communication Development
Written communication skills were developed through learning how to leave “gaps” so that the audience could make their own conclusions while reading. The power of gaps was demonstrated through a reflection about “Mind by the Gaps” by Bernaerts et al and an excerpt from “Othello” by Shakespeare. This methodology was also particularly evident in the revision of the Rhetorical Analysis essay which focused on the necessity of gaps in scientific literature.

Oral communication skills were developed through learning how to “share the same language” with the audience. “Copia books” on the Award/Opportunity Paper and the Documented Essay were used to directly develop this skill and would later be used in the essays themselves. Its effectiveness was also shown through the reflection “Rhetoric and Listening,” which was about Othello’s verbal manipulation of Iago.

Visual communication skills were developed by analyzing techniques utilized in images to convey an underlying message to the audience. In a “Visual analysis of an image for the ePortfolio,” the techniques utilized by the image in the header of this ePortfolio were analyzed. After analyzing these visual techniques, they were able to be used in the creation of the Documented Essay PowerPoint Presentation.

Electronic communication skills were developed through the creation of this ePortfolio and the PowerPoint Presentation. Both taught the importance of thinking from a user’s point of view which is particularly useful in the creation of GUIs as an Industrial Engineer. A reflection about the techniques used in both assignments can be found under this section as well.

Changes in Writing
Although my communication in previous semesters has been sufficient, I discovered that I never took risks when I wrote in both the lack of shared language and novel ideas. The Documented Essay demonstrated how I should be taking more risks by using advanced language that better acknowledged my audience. Thinking from the audience’s perspective also forced me to consider if there would be a more effective means of communication than just a written form. Surprisingly, it was the Rhetorical Analysis that revealed the inadequacy of taking risks regarding ideas. Originally, I thought rhetorical analyses were merely written to analyze the effectiveness of communicating with the audience however, I did not consider that it also meant interpreting the underlying meaning conveyed through their style. Revising this essay taught me that I can and should be making riskier claims not only in rhetorical analyses but all essays as well. Both lessons required me to take time early on in both the composing and revising processes to brainstorm riskier ideas than what I had previously.

Communication Skills: Processes and Growth
The main takeaway from this semester was learning how to streamline the ideas that I am trying to communicate with the audience. Instead of having repetitive sentences throughout the essay, my communication has become much more efficient. This was evident through the ways I began to craft theses by using the concise language found in the Copia books to create shorter but more complex sentences. Being able to focus these ideas down has also been useful in the creation of GUIs in IE 148. The programs created in that class had to have extremely short but concise instructions similar to the lessons taught about streamlining our ideas this semester.

If you would like to see all of the “ePortfolio” assignments in one place, please click here:
ePortfolio Reflections


Citation of header image used:

Mediator Careers [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://www.16personalities.com/infp-careers