Welcome to my ISUcomm ePortfolio! Here you will find a little about me, some of work from this semester in ENG250 and my final thoughts.

Use your introductory reflection as your static home page. This page should accomplish a few goals:

  1. Put where to find each artifact (with links and/or a menu).
  2. Write an essay or letter addressed to your instructor that assesses your growth as a communicator in the WOVE modes. This essay or letter should include an introduction, conclusion, and specific quotes and examples from your work.

Use the following questions to generate ideas to include in your introductory reflection. 

Communication habits/processes
  • Have your composing processes changed since you began the course? If so, how? If not, why?
  • How do you go about generating initial ideas for pieces you’re composing, as well as the details and explanation needed to develop and support those ideas?
  • How do you accommodate different audiences when you communicate? How does audience consideration affect choice of communication mode(s)?
  • How do you draft and revise your compositions?
  • How do you use others (peers, instructor, friends, family, etc.) to assist you in making effective revisions?
  • How have you improved your editing process? What are your typical problems with mechanics and what kind of progress have you made with these?
  • What goals do you have to improve your communication processes?
Communication development
  • What talents or strengths do you possess in the following areas?
    • W—writing (context, substance, organization, style, delivery)
    • O—oral (interviews, large group discussions, small group discussions, presentations, peer review, etc.)
    • V—visual (PowerPoint slides, etc.)
    • E—electronic (website construction, ethical use of the Internet and electronic images, etc.)
  • What new discoveries have you made in these areas?
  • What has been the most challenging for you? What have you done to meet these challenges? Please be specific.