This ePortfolio includes all assignments from English 250H. The links to the assignments can be found above, and can be accessed by clicking on them or hovering over them to access related assignments. The assignments can also be accessed by the links at the bottom of this page. My composing process has definitely changed over the course of this semester. I previously had only done one or two drafts of each paper, but now I average about four or five drafts before completing my papers.

I have different ways for generating ideas for writing. When I am generating ideas alone, I usually create a graph or layout of a piece of paper of all of my ideas a thoughts about a subject. This graph gets very detailed, including quotes, facts, and exact thoughts. In addition to the graph, I also create a list of sources to support my thoughts and ideas. I used this technique for all of my papers, including my Awesome 1 and Awesome 2. After this, I write a rough draft and do many drafts to edit and revise. When I work in a group my writing process is a little different. I usually try to create a list of the group’s ideas and group similar thoughts and ideas into larger groups. After this, I usually try to assign a group to each person to work on, and combine all of the work afterwords for revisions.

My writing also changes depending on the audience. I think about the audience and what their views and thoughts are, or might be, on the topic. I then incorporate those views into my writing, and provide supporting and conflicting evidence on my topic. Audience consideration affects how I write and how professional my writing is. For example, writing a letter to a friend would have a very relaxed tone, and a final essay would be much more professional and well written. A great example of the changes in my writing is from my Opening Argument to my Awesome 1.

My drafting and revision process has changed over the course of the semester. I now do many drafts, usually around four or five, to reach my final paper. My first draft is usually pretty messy and unorganized. My second draft focuses on organization of information. My third draft focuses on quality of information and grammar. My fourth and fifth drafts focus on smaller things like spelling and sentence structure.

I always use others to assist in making revisions to my papers. I almost always send my papers to my mother for revisions. I usually send her my third or fourth draft for revisions, and we email back and forth on things that could be changed. I sometimes will have friends and peers look at my papers to make sure the information is understandable and easy to read. My Awesome 2 is the written work that took the most revisions. I have never used the university writing center, but it seems like a great thing to check out.

I plan on improving my communication process by creating plans to get things done in group situations. I will do this by setting a single method of technological communication that includes everyone in the group. When the group gets together to discuss and work on the project, I will try to organize everyones thoughts and create the most effective method of working on the project.

My talents and strengths in writing, oral communication, visuals, and electronic use have been strengthened over the course in the semester. My writing has improved using organization, style, and substance. My paper and writing organization has improved and I am much more confident in my ability to create a logically organized paper. The style of my writing has also changed and improved. I now have a more professional way of writing and the tone of my writing is more serious and focused. Lastly, the substance of my writing and papers has improved. Over the course of the semester, I learned how to choose quality information and cite that information properly, both in-text and as work cited. My oral communication has also improved. This can been seen in the Presentation of the Visual Argument. I am much more confident working in large groups of people on important projects. I lead group discussions and help everyone stay focused and on task. I am also better at small group discussions. This class has improved my confidence in voicing my opinions and views on projects and topics. My visual proficiency has improved greatly, considering I did not know how to create a visual at the beginning of the semester. The Visual that my group created demonstrates these skills. I learned how to create attractive and appealing visuals using both PowerPoint and Google Slides. Along with creating visuals, my electronic use and proficiency has increased. I learned how to create a website, which I did not know how to do before the semester. I also increased my skills in electronic communication and using the internet as an ethical and reliable source. The Textual Rhetorical Analysis required a large amount of electronic communication. I learned how to cite electronic images as well.

In conclusion, I have become a much better writer over the course of the fall semester in English 250H. The changes in my writing can be seen in my written works, and all other assignments for the class. I have improved my writing, oral communication, visuals, and electronic proficiency. I am much more confident working in groups of all sizes. The links to all of my assignments can be found below, and also at the top of the ePortfolio.


Assignment Links:

About Me!

Awesome 1

Awesome 2

Closing Reflection

Opening Argument

Special “E” Reflection


Summary Reflection

Textual Rhetorical Analysis


Presentation of Visual Argument

Visual Argument Development Reflection

Introductory Reflection