There are 3 menus at the top( ENG 150, ENG 250 and about me). The ‘ENG 150’ and ‘ENG 250’ tab would direct you to the work I have done in the respective classes and the ‘about me’ page has as a description of myself.
ENG 250 has been a very fun class for me. At the end of every lecture, I would be very satisfied with the knowledge I would receive from my professor and the fun interactions with my peers. The difficulty for every assignment kept on increasing gradually and I enjoyed this challenge. Right from the first assignment to the very end, I had something new to learn and better myself in the sphere of WOVE. It has been a fun experience and it would not have been possible without the guidance and support I constantly received from my Professor Kirk Wilkins. He was very kind towards me and in his office hours he truly helped my out with my assignments and helped me understand my mistakes which in turn helped me improve on my work. Being from a country where the professors and teachers get angry at your short falls, Kirk’s helpful and compassionate attitude is something which I would never forget. Such 1-to-1 personal attention with constant dedication really moved me and I will always remember my professor. In addition, The very well thought out feedback my professor gave along with every assignment evaluation helped me realize my mistakes and get a better understanding of the areas I should be focusing on to improve my work. As the semester comes to an end I am very grateful towards my professor who has had a very positive developmental effect in my life.