I think the story is very powerful. Seeing someone who is homeless not just sit there and be homeless but try to not only help themselves but others as well all while doing it through social media and emailing. I agree but yet disagree with this story. I agree with the wanting to help others part and such but I don’t agree with the him not leaving because he doesn’t want to leave them. But if you want better you have to do better first. He could’ve moved out and showed others it’s not hard and then maybe they’d try it. But I do understand he doesn’t want them to look at him different. This article was presented to me as a homeless person who uses social media to get his point across. But then again it could be something way deeper than that.
Analysis: Pathos
“He looks comfortable sitting there, legs splayed out, hunched over the keyboard.” -The Washington Post
It’s sad that sitting at computer should make someone feel at home. No one should feel at home from just being on a computer. But in this case this is sort of like Eric’s only home. He lives in and through the social media. Maybe it’s the only place he feels at home or feels comfortable. He has a dedication for trying to make a difference for years through a computer screen.
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