- Why you chose this/these piece(s) as evidence of your best work in the oral, visual, and electronic modes
– Because I received more feedback on them from my peers and they seemed to have found them good so why not use what others seem to like?
- How you interested your audience and directed their attention to your important points
– By telling/showing them what I found intriguing and how I felt and get them to see my perspective from it.
- Whether and how you used feedback to create this work
– Yes, in class feedback when Derek allowed us time for peer review and feedback.
- What, if any, changes you made to the original versions, why, and to what benefit
– I made some changes to some of my topics because the ones before them were either challenging for me to talk about, others found them boring, or they were assigned to us.
- What you believe the piece/s demonstrate about you as an oral, visual, and electronic communicator
– I want my audience to see how I incorporate my opinions in with what the original author or article tried to get them to see.
– Also I try to some what put a playful sense in some of my work.
- How this work connects with other work you did in this class or in other classes
– I wouldn’t say any of this work connected to any of my other classes but in the future it might and now that I have taken this course I will be prepared for that.