Omer's Blog

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Artificial Sweeteners: A review of Sugar Substitutes

We are born with a desire for sweetness, and it remains with us throughout our lives. However, too much of a good thing can lead to problems such as obesity, cancer, and the health complications related to being overweight and obese. Artificial sweeteners continue to be a controversial public health issue, and the research keeps…

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Sugar is Sugar

Considering that our cells depend on sugar for energy, it makes sense that we evolved an innate love for sweetness. Often regarded as ‘white poison’, sugar has attracted huge criticism from both scientists and nutritionists for its negative effects on a body’s health. More people are starting to realize that sugar is the key reason behind…

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Patents on Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs)

09/19/2016 • Mahmoud   Patents, whether on new crop varieties or biotech procedures, allow the creator of the technology the opportunity to commercialize their innovation and to obtain a return on their investment of time and money. In 1930, Congress passed the Plant Patent Act, which established patent rights for breeders of new varieties of…

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