Response to WatchMojo Top 10 List.

What is the criteria for the top 10 list?- Has to be a somewhat popular or cliche halloween costume that classifies as traditional.

Out of the top 10 list, what do you agree belonged? What didn’t? If they all belonged, why? In my opinion, most of the costumes were generic costumes in general. Some however, in 2017, aren’t as picked as the others. Princess should definitely be 2 or 1 as even today, little girls especially still dress up as  princesses. I don’t agree with Witch being number 1 as I never thought that it was a costume that was more cliche than Zombie or Ghost. 

Are you in agreement with the number 1? Why or why not?- Not at all. I think Witch belongs on the list, but not at number 1. In my previous question I stated that I don’t see as many witches from people than I do Zombies or Ghosts. 

What arguments did the narrator make for the number 1? Was it consistent with the criteria listed at the beginning?- They stated that the witch costume was a classic and easy fix for a quick costume last minute. They used examples of how you could use lots of makeup to make it look good and a broom. The example they used however, it was actually complex costume with tons of makeup. I don’t think that quiet consistent because for other costumes like Zombie and Mummy they provided pretty basic ways to approach the costumes but didn’t with the witch. 

Suggest a new number 1 and explain why you feel it deserves that slot.-In my opinion, Princess or Army Soldier. If we go off the gender stereotypes, then these costumes are boys and girls favorite, at least at a young age.  For like 2 years I didn’t trick or treat and instead I gave out candy and out of all the costumes I had seen, these two were the most prevalent.

Now, thinking of what the narrator said for the number 1 selection and what you just suggested, is there bias? Is the audience left with a choice?- Well the audience watches the video of someone’s opinion and they don’t have to believe this person’s opinion. In fact, I don’t even believe there is a big bias. I know nothing of the author so I don’t actually know if he prefers witches to anything else. 


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