Color Blind

Lets talk about science!

Recently I was wasting time on the web and happened upon an interesting  video that a friend of mine shared about color blindness. The title “Hidden Talents of the Color Blind” pulled me in and made me think because I always approached color blindness as a negative. The video was produced by an Anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis (a very credible source) so naturally I had to watch immediately.

Hidden Talents of the Color Blind

The Video does a great job of explaining the science behind the phenomenon without complicating it so almost anyone can watch and enjoy. A different kind of thought process was used in this experiment, instead of approaching this abnormality as a disease the researchers tried to figure out why it may have developed in the first place. I love this aspect because I believe that more scientists should work this way. Why is a very powerful question that needs to be used more. Instead of trying to fix everything that isn’t considered normal it was asked why a trait that causes abnormality arose. I encourage everyone to watch the video because the thought process behind the experiment compels me to try and think differently.

  1. Maggie

    This is the most incredible thing I have ever read. Game Changer.

  2. Christina

    This reminds me. Monty Roberts said two things about being colorblind: that he had exceptional color vision, and that when he wore those glasses that are supposed to ‘fix’ color vision, he wondered how none colorblind people ever focused on anything because it was distracting. (Or maybe it was ‘no wonder people are so jumpy’)

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