Right now my ePortfolio is basic and not as exciting as I would like it to be. It’s just a bit plain and has some major appearance work that needs to be done. But as soon as I get to build my portfolio more and create more writings and such it will become everything that I want it to be. If I take my time and make this ePortfolio as professional and fun then people will be able to see the reflection of me on this ePortfolio. By the end of the semester I hope my ePortfolio is filled with many of my different works and projects. I’m going to use this to show other clubs and organizations my work and show them I am able to do the things that they are looking for or maybe need to be done. I am not the best writer but I hope to become a better one and be able to show everyone how creative I can get. I think it will become more and more easier as I go on and continue my writing and uploading to this ePortfolio and I will see writing as less of a problem for myself. But with the help from my professor and my group (shout out to them) writing will become less of a problem. This semester is all about learning, growing, and succeeding in writing and oral objectives.
Hello world!
Welcome to ePortfolios. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!