Textual Analysis Reflection Post

I felt as if I did a nice job on the textual analysis essay. The wording may have needed some small tweaking though over all grammar did not seem to be much of a problem. Perhaps maybe one area that may have needed some extra information was about the author views that was rather “low-key” inserted into an article that was supposedly to be a rather political free and factual information piece.  Perhaps maybe I should have put that as the first topic that was to be discussed regarding ethos though to be fair the author did do a fair job when it came t the actual topic about the tuition hike and the various benefits and disadvantages that have come about such action. Also the thesis and the conclusion would maybe benefit from being more fleshed out or perhaps to be rewritten.  I would say the quotes were fairly well integrated with none being dropped. The feedback I got back about my initial draft was that I mostly needed to put a bit more emphasis on how the author built up credibility in her article before using some questionable quotes and also incorporating ethos in it. Both which I have done so overall I believe the essay is of fair quality.

Planning textual rhetorical Analysis

Well I came in with two full pages of writing and well it is not final but I have gotten good responses on it. Some minor changes here and there and maybe a little rework but it should be done in time to turn in.

Article response.


My response to Nathan Rott’s article is well that it is interesting. The author presented the article in a way that while it is very informational it has a informal way about it with the various quotes that helped grabbed my attention more than it would if there was few or no quotes at all. I was quite actually captivated by the article which is something I am usually not unless it retains to a few subjects that I enjoy. therefore I believe did a very good job on how he presented the subject and the various quotes from Eric Sheptock who was the main focus of the article.


I feel as if the author had mostly presented the article in a logos matter. Throughout the article the author had presented a lot of facts or reasoning. For example Eric Sheptock had opportunities to not be homeless the article stated that “He wouldn’t move out of the downtown D.C. shelter where he slept for the past two years if it would make him a less effective voice for change.” (Rott 89). This quote leans toward the logic side of things of why should he change the way he live if that would affect his impact on his voice for the homeless. The article has several more examples of such logic being applied making this article of  how theEric  Sheptock is using his voice to help others who are homeless and his daily routine.

Summary reflection

I am going be blunt is that my summary was not the best. Its rather hard to remember when i actually had written a summary before. Usually my papers are well either DBQs or some paper that has a point i need to prove or answer, not just a basic summary. To few in details and in a rushed form. I realize this afterward and now I am just awaiting the disappointment of my professor. The structure would definitely need to be worked on along with several key components. I did not help that I had to find the article again after forgetting to favorite it. Next time the paper will be more orderly structured and more professional. A more detailed bullet point summary before the actual summary may also greatly help. Also transitions will need some working on along with my thesis as well they have not really improved since my days of writing DBQs for APUSH.

Summary Planning post

The summary was a quickly over read with some brainstorming but mostly free-writing. The feedback I got was that due to the length of the article I had to go find a new one that had more depth to it. Which I did find one that more or less conveyed the same topic. I tried to paraphrase important parts in order not to plagiarism though I am not well into summaries so I will suspect a not very good grade at all. Definitely showed my flaws which will need to be improved on.