Visual Analysis Reflection

Overall the project was not bad but one exception was trying to send it over Canvas. I soon gave up over the endeavorĀ  as I have spent 30 mins pondering and trying multiple ways of doing so. I have found the process to be a bit similar to that of the textual analysis though the nature and the subject of both matters really do separate these two projects in very different categories. I did find the skill to provide audio during the presentation to be quite useful.

Halloween costume Analysis

  • The criteria is just the halloween costumes that are the most traditional l in a sense for a go to costume.
  • I believe that they all rather belong in the category as they are all solid choices though I do wish there was a Star Wars costume.
  • Yes I am in agreement with their choice for number one.
  • The narrator stated how that the witch was like the poster child for halloween, which also helps with the criteria listed in the beginning.
  • New number one, well the witch is pretty solid though for my own personal biasĀ  a star wars characters, how wouldn’t wanna intimidate people while wearing a mask.
  • There is definitely bias for my opinion but as for the witch its quite a solid choice.


Video planning

  1. I have never even been trusted with making a video before.
  2. I will give imovie a try
  3. I really do not know maybe like a presentation slide show type of thing though I may opt for a different type of style. Subject still debated.
  4. I feel time maybe a factor though how I present it may be a major factor
  5. Probably make sure I get enough information to back my analysis

Video Analysis

Video 1

  • So this is for well people who have watched the movie though especially for those who had watched the trilogy or probably the whole series.
  • The tone unlike the movie takes the flaws of the movie and puts them in a more light hearted funny tone.
  • The visual style is a cartoonish style why also being rather true to the movie designs.
  • The audio also well staying a bit true to the movie is mixed up to well probably avoid copyright but to help with the comedy value of the video.

Video 2

  • As always for someone who had watched the movie
  • The tone while about a movie where basically almost everyone dies is well rather funny as how everything is despited is silly.
  • The visual definitely help make this blood and gore movie a more silly and laughable video to watch.
  • The audio also helps the video of while somewhat like the movie it is put in a silly tone




Video 3

  • For people who had watched the movie and also good if you seen the first one and who also wonders about the plot holes if you are into that sort of thing.
  • The tone overall is well light hearted, maybe a bit dark when Rocket bit the dust in one scene but even then it is rather funny
  • The visual and audio while based somewhat on the movie each has it own cartoonish funny style giving way to that one should watch this really for laughs.
  • Overall analysis

  • I found that the intro the each video has a similar intro of the respective films which adds to further the comedy of the videos
  • The visual and audio which each different for the movie they are the subject of all follow a rather funny cartoonish tone.
  • The HISHE brand is rather obvious but also differ between video and how is it down is rather amusing.
  • The context of the videos usual follows along the line of including the largest plot holes of the movies which if there are many may make the video a bit longer even though not all the plot holes are said. That being said if there are a very more things to make fun of they may include it even if it does cross into other movies.