Reflection on writing revision

A lot of the revisioning was looking at sentences where the words did not make sense or sounded quite weird. There was not really any additions in a sense besides moving a couple of words around. A lot of it was more of compressing certain parts of a sentence or replacing or having an idea of replacing words that may fit the essay overall. There was some portions that ddi not need the a change which was when the essay dove into the possible bias of the author. In reality though I thought perhaps and probably for the best if the whole essay was to be rewritten for a better overall experience.

Article Textual Rhetorical Analysis revision- italics are original with he bold being a possible revision solution.
 Vanessa Miller mainly uses logos in her article of Tuition hike in Iowa could Just be the beginning while also questionably using ethos and logos in certain parts of the article. (Thesis needs to be slightly changed around with some added words.) She presents various facts (various can be switched for a word that has more power) for both sides of the college tuition hikes in an informative matter. The author also presents some points that are questionable in a logos section. (could be moved up into the thesis)
The author presents multiple facts on the reasoning why the increase and how it would affect students at the three main universities in Iowa.  At the very end of the article she includes the tuitions hikes were the product of the dwindling state funding to the public universities. With a cut over $30 million dollars for the current and next year. (perhaps could be worded better. ..this and next year possibly?) The author also included the typical residential undergraduate student of ISU, UNI, and UI will see “a 5 percent bump” in cost while those who are from out of state or other programs “will see steeper hikes”. (Miller). She also dove into the fact that the increase in tuition could “widen the undergrad residential rate gap.” of the three colleges. The author while stating the cost that will burden the students has also listed the multiple benefits that the increase cost will bring.
One of the first facts presented by the author is that the colleges would benefit ( The author noted that the college would benefit.. Shorter alternative) from the increase income by being able to compete and be “on par with high priced peer universities” and also “equipping them with more resources to better compete for top faculty and researchers.” (Miller). The UI president has also stated that the increase and more campus control would help UI be on a “competitive level based on last year’s salary information.” (Miller). One of the major points toward the acceptance of tuition increase is that Miller included information from Professor Toutkoushian from the University of Georgia on the general college cost. Toukoushian stated that while the tuition was increased, UI for example “was nearly half of the group’s highest rate” of the college cost. The increase as Miller stated also “align with national trends” where the parents and students are increasingly paying more for “public high education.”. Though the author has done a fair job of presenting the solid facts on the matter of the tuition hikes, she has also done a questionable action when introducing the quotes from Sen. Herman Quirenback.
 While in first half of the article the author presented the information in a rather neutral stance on the subject ( Though the author had a solid neutral stance on the matter in the beginning of the article) it quickly changed with the introduction of the quotes from the Senator. Disregarding the good willed quote put in big black front the one in the column begins with “Our Republican-led state government has not done its part….” (Herman Quirinbach). This suggest that out of the multiple quotes that the reporter should have gotten from the Senator she chose one that seem to suggest that the whole reason for the cut of public funding was the fault from those of the Republican Party. Which future led to even more pointing figures where in the last part of the article she stated how it was how the “lawmakers clawed back $20.8 million…” where one could guess that these lawmakers who severely “clawed” back funds from the public colleges must be republican as it was stated above they have not done their part in helping the public education. Though one could certainly report and possibly blame one of the two major political parties with quotes from the opposing side on the ethos of degrading the funding for education this article is not the place for such action. Miller had clearly built up her credibility though facts before as one can say “low-key” (best to find an academic word instead) inserting her opinion with quotes from someone who have similar ideals against those who think different from her.
 Overall Vanessa Miller has over the topic on benefits and the disadvantages (Vanessa Miller has laid out both benefits and disadvantages) of the increase of college tuition. Despite such fair (having done a fair representation)(sketchy replacement) job she has undoubted used such fair judgement to build credibility for herself before inserting certain quotes and language that would call into judgment on her credibility.

Orginal Article Textual Rhetorical Analysis

Orginal Article Textual Rhetorical Analysis

Article Textual Rhetorical Analysis
Vanessa Miller mainly uses logos in her article of Tuition hike in Iowa could Just be the beginning while also questionably using ethos in certain parts of the article. She presents various facts for both sides of the college tuition hikes in an informative matter. The author also presents some points that are questionable in a logos section.
The author presents multiple facts on the reasoning why the increase and how it would affect students at the three main Universities in Iowa. At the very end of the article she includes the tuitions hikes were the product of the dwindling state funding to the public universities. With a cut over $30 million dollars for the current and next year. The author also included how the typical residential undergraduate student of ISU, UNI, and UI will see “a 5 percent bump” in cost while those who are from out of state or other programs “will see steeper hikes”. (Miller). She also dove into the fact that the increase in tuition could “widen the undergrad residential rate gap.” of the three colleges. The author while stating the cost that will burden the students has also listed the multiple benefits that the increase cost will bring.
One of the first facts presented by the author is that the colleges would benefit from the increase income by being able to compete and be “on par with high priced peer universities” and also “equipping them with more resources to better compete for top faculty and researchers.” (Miller). The UI president has also stated that the increase and more campus control would help UI be on a “competitive level based on last year’s salary information.” (Miller). One of the major points toward the acceptance of tuition increase is that Miller included information from Professor Toutkoushian from the University of Georgia on the general college cost. Toukoushian stated that while the tuition was increased, UI for example “was nearly half of the group’s highest rate” of the college cost. The increase as Miller stated also “align with national trends” where the parents and students are increasingly paying more for “public high education.”. Though the author has done a fair job of presenting the solid facts on the matter of the tuition hikes, she has also done a questionable action when introducing the quotes from Sen. Herman Quirenback.
While in first half of the article the author presented the information in a rather neutral stance on the subject it quickly changed with the introduction of the quotes from the Senator. Disregarding the good willed quote put in big black front the one in the column begins with “Our Republican-led state government has not done its part….” (Herman Quirinbach). This suggest that out of the multiple quotes that the reporter should have gotten from the Senator she chose one that seem to suggest that the whole reason for the cut of public funding was the fault from those of the Republican Party. Which future led to even more pointing figures where in the last part of the article she stated how it was how the “lawmakers clawed back $20.8 million…” where one could guess that these lawmakers who severely “clawed” back funds from the public colleges must be republican as it was stated above they have not done their part in helping the public education. Though one could certainly report and possibly blame one of the two major political parties with quotes from the opposing side on the ethos of degrading the funding for education this article is not the place for such action. Miller had clearly built up her credibility though facts before as one can say “low-key” inserting her opinion with quotes from someone who have similar ideals against those who think different from her.
Overall Vanessa Miller has over the topic on benefits and the disadvantages of the increase of college tuition. Despite such fair job she has undoubted used such fair judgement to build credibility for herself before inserting certain quotes and language that would call into judgment on her credibility.

Electronic Reflection on the ePortfolio

This site will have to be improved overtime in order to have a better flow and be more organized. I may not be the best at technology especially at creating content on the internet. There are some advantages though having this site and the ability to compose various works and to also organize them which gives me greater flexibility than my current blog. Not to mention easier to find things which is also a plus. This could be an advantage for anyone in the future who might come upon this site and to learn more about my past efforts. This is certainly a bit more complex and more permanent form of communications than I have done in the past. This though is a small step and perhaps maybe I make have a different website to show off pieces of art or other things I may have make that I hope others will see.

Electronic reflection

This electronic reflection is that on the various post especially of those reflections of which this could be a reflection upon a reflection. Though I have not done much in the ways of the electronics especially as I have struggled plenty of trying to at least the reflections post being simple enough have been painless. Though following a written form which is part of my own laziness makes most of the reflection post rather not transition well from sentence to sentence. There is also the possible case that for this whole time I have put everything on the wrong eportoflio which could impact me very greatly in the future. Hopefully it will not impact me of whether I will pass the class or not. In the future though post will probably be attempted with more flow and better typing. Which is always a good thing to type in a more acceptable way.

Visual Reflection

This is the visual reflection of the social media project back from September. The reasoning behind this choice was that because it was really one of the few visual work I have done and that I love maps. Though this was made in a limited time effort everything is in print as to be legible also the map includes social medias from that of the current generation. There was not much feedback as this was created rather fast and everyone had something to do.  Though as basic as the drawing is it is not a half bad one and perhaps without a time constraint it could be better especially with the help of learning of the modern day social media’s impact on our society.

Final Reflection Post

Dear Mr. Hanson

First off, hi, hi! So about my approach to learning may have slightly changed in learning. College is such a fun time to experience new things and also to have your soul ripped out from your body doing finals and especially doing writing essays. I have started to give more time and to plan out a bit longer than I usually do which leads to more essays being fully completed. This situation underlines the fact of how important planning and that of giving ample amount of time to actually completing and assignment will greatly reduce stress and improve overall quality. This is especially true for WOVE communications as with better planning and time, the assignments will turn out better. Though also more time means I can say proofread an written assignment or work while editing various parts of a Visual or Electronic   assignment that may make the work more favorable.  All in all my tentative action plan is to well have a plan for every task in order better myself in the WOVE communications because a plan means a well thought process of accomplishing the satisfactory goals  of having better communications. Though to better appeal to communicating to those in the future would mean improving one’s vocabulary to a more academic level while also making sure the errors are of nonexistent. There is though certain ideas that I have learned in ENGL 250 and one of those was that when composing an essay over a controversial topic it is a good idea to have one side’s point next to another side’s counterpoint instead of having two separate sections.

Probably  the strongest of the WOVE for me is written though visual could be top that if it just pertains to actual drawing and such. My written is not the best though I could do better if I take a lot of time and planning in the steps for completing an essay or just an assignment. It definitely could use planning and time with also a higher vocabulary usage.

The weakest of my WOVE is electronics as well I am not the that well verse in technology and can often struggle such as turning in an assignment three different times in order for a teacher to actually be able to view the assignment. Some practice and a lot of learning I could eventually improve this area.

As noted before perhaps the weakest point of of my whole communication process is not planning out or giving enough time. If I give myself that then the only real other improvement besides the serious struggle at electronics is just to keep learning new techniques, improve vocabulary, and make sure everything is formatted in a proper way. That way I can produce  proper and high quality products, I mean pieces of work. This process of improvement can be done alone though assistance is always a good thing to have around especially when questions arises. There is a possibility I may swing around your office in the future for a question or two. There is also our great internet for me to surf on for information.