Final Reflection Post

Dear Mr. Hanson

First off, hi, hi! So about my approach to learning may have slightly changed in learning. College is such a fun time to experience new things and also to have your soul ripped out from your body doing finals and especially doing writing essays. I have started to give more time and to plan out a bit longer than I usually do which leads to more essays being fully completed. This situation underlines the fact of how important planning and that of giving ample amount of time to actually completing and assignment will greatly reduce stress and improve overall quality. This is especially true for WOVE communications as with better planning and time, the assignments will turn out better. Though also more time means I can say proofread an written assignment or work while editing various parts of a Visual or Electronic   assignment that may make the work more favorable.  All in all my tentative action plan is to well have a plan for every task in order better myself in the WOVE communications because a plan means a well thought process of accomplishing the satisfactory goals  of having better communications. Though to better appeal to communicating to those in the future would mean improving one’s vocabulary to a more academic level while also making sure the errors are of nonexistent. There is though certain ideas that I have learned in ENGL 250 and one of those was that when composing an essay over a controversial topic it is a good idea to have one side’s point next to another side’s counterpoint instead of having two separate sections.

Probably  the strongest of the WOVE for me is written though visual could be top that if it just pertains to actual drawing and such. My written is not the best though I could do better if I take a lot of time and planning in the steps for completing an essay or just an assignment. It definitely could use planning and time with also a higher vocabulary usage.

The weakest of my WOVE is electronics as well I am not the that well verse in technology and can often struggle such as turning in an assignment three different times in order for a teacher to actually be able to view the assignment. Some practice and a lot of learning I could eventually improve this area.

As noted before perhaps the weakest point of of my whole communication process is not planning out or giving enough time. If I give myself that then the only real other improvement besides the serious struggle at electronics is just to keep learning new techniques, improve vocabulary, and make sure everything is formatted in a proper way. That way I can produce  proper and high quality products, I mean pieces of work. This process of improvement can be done alone though assistance is always a good thing to have around especially when questions arises. There is a possibility I may swing around your office in the future for a question or two. There is also our great internet for me to surf on for information.


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