A4 presentation transcript
Hello, everyone. Good afternoon. My name is Joshua and my presentation for today is on a visual analysis for the movie poster of ‘The Birth of a Nation’.
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In this presentation, I’ll be going through three major components of the poster, and that’s the target audience, the composition, and the color choices that the poster artist made.
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When talking about the target audience, I’m sure that just by looking at the poster, we can all tell that it looks like the American flag. For that reason, I believe that [the poster artist] are intending to reach a predominantly North American audience. This is however, done on the assumption that the general public knows what the American flag looks, and in case [audience] don’t, there it is up on screen for reference.
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Like I said, this poster is meant to resemble the America flag and this is down to its composition. Starting at the top left corner of the poster, [audience] would likely notice the block of blue with the title of the movie within at first glance. This is because the poster gets a bit dull and samey without the pop of color there, and this is a smart decision to effectively communicate the title of the movie to an audience. To resemble the stripes of the [American] flag, a group of people are positioned in a line and depicted in red. When contrasted against a white canvas, it creates the illusion of the iconic red and white stripes of the American flag.
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Now, color choices. What [audience] see on screen right now is the color palette that I have managed to extract from the poster, and one thing that [audience] would probably notice is how dark and muted the colors are. Dark and muted colors are generally associated with more depressing emotions such as dread, grim, or gloominess. Considering that this movie is dealing with slavery, by making these color choices and evoking these emotions, it’s an effective way of recreating the tone and general atmosphere of the movie.
That is all. Thank you.