This portfolio entry describes a Mars Rover simulator using ESI’s embedded systems platform, codenamed the CyBot. This is the final project of CPR E 288 (Introduction to Embedded Systems) by a team of 4 engineering students. In this project, the CyBot autonomously maneuvers through a relatively open space, studies its external environment using various sensors, identifies obstacles of various shapes and sizes, and avoids them accordingly. Similar to how a Mars Rover behaves as it collects data on Mars. This project assesses the C programming skills and the understanding of software-to-hardware communication of the students. In this project, I took charge of the development of the seemingly randomized route pattern of the CyBot as it collects data. More so than technical skills, I learned to have more faith in my teammates and trust that they will deliver with their delegations. In the real world, this project may be further developed for uncharted-terrain explorations.