Joshua Wooi
Meredith Smith-Lane
English 250
January 30th, 2019
A1 Reflection
Based on past experiences, I believe my biggest strength in this course will be my unique style of writing. I like to write papers that I would unironically enjoy reading, and that usually comes with subtle interjections of jokes or quirky remarks in between sentences. Writing is not an activity that I particularly enjoy doing because of the vague and subjective nature of it, but utilizing humor has carried me through tedious papers and assignments and has since become one of the traits of my writing.
I expect one of my biggest weakness to be consistency. I have reviewed past works of my own and found a jarring disconnect, even between paragraphs. I believe this is because I approach different ideas from completely different places, and it has affected the quality of my writing. The worst of them may appear as if completely different people wrote a paragraph each and then Frankenstein’d a paper together. I do not currently know of an effective method of overcoming this.