A2 – Reflective Opportunities

1.) To determine my place on campus I thought of a place that gave me the most comfortable and memorable place. I also loved how descriptive I could be with the room for it had lots of character. This place is important to me because it provides me with a comforting place to do my studies.

2.)  “The room’s physique presents itself in a grand gesture with high ceilings, grand windows, an immense stone-gray fireplace, three archways dividing the room’s proportions” This intro to my second paragraph I think really show my appreciation for the character of this room and what it provides to my academic career. The details I provided was to make the reader think of an old colonial building with lots of character.

3.) After reading the materials on what my room and the building that it presides it provides for the campus gave me a new aspect of the setup of things. Iowa State University (ISU) has really given a thought to the placement of all fo the amenities giving students an enhanced learning environment and the feeling of a community.

4.) I used to be self-conscious about my writing skill and ability to connect with the reader. With the information provided, I was able to think about different ways to connect to the reader and provide improved writing skills to enhance the reader’s experience.

5.) The peer review really helped on my grammar and spelling for my paper. I tend to type faster than I think and just go through and make corrections without paying attention. So it is nice to have someone proofread and to fix all those small things. When it came to the flow of my paper I was given a few simple suggestions of improvement that I agreed with and fixed accordingly.

6.) One major thing I have learned was with how space is made to present its self can really affect the way one functions in that space. With my degree being Event Management I feel as if I can take the info with me to my venues and really pay attention to the spaces to see what the overall aesthetic of the room provides.


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