A5 – Reflection
1.) Using a program from ISU, in my opinion, was something I thought I could portray better in a visual representation. I found it quite easy to represent the study abroad program in this visual presentation. Using quotes such as “Expand you Iowa State University adventure” on my poster was one of the many ways I pulled my audiences attention through text and visual representation.
2.) When walking by . a poster or looking at a brochure on campus I find my self analyzing it more now. I like to think about how they want me to see this poster and what are the key points that they want to portray. Its always funt o look and compare at different visual representations and see what ones are more effective and not.
3.) This assignment alone really helped in learning visual aid and in oral presentations. I was able to create a visual poster and learned how to set the poster up in a way that it can grab the readers attention through visual representation and text formatting. I still need work on my oral presentations for I came a little unprepared in my opinion but hope to in the future to have a better grasp on setting up a proper script.