Electronic Communication

Electronic Communication

Reflection of Electronic Communication

Electronic Communication Reflection 2

Americans are more connected than ever before, and behind that connectedness is the main culprit—electronic communication. When looking around a college campus it is easy to find someone searching a social media site like; Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or texting a friend or colleague. With the rapid expansion of technology like smartphones and tablets, it is easy to have access to these many forms of electronic communication. For this assignment I have chosen to use my PowerPoint presentation from my research assignment to represent my electronic communication skills developed this semester.

              I chose this presentation, because my other presentation for the semester was very underdeveloped and was not a good representation of myself as an electronic communicator. Like I said in my other two reflections I spent a lot of time on this presentation to make sure that my point came across clear to my audience and in a professional manor. I tried to keep my bullet points clear and concise, and made sure that my presentation was mapped out in a logical order. By doing these two things, I believe that this presentation was affective at connecting with the audience and also affective at getting the two sides of my research topic across.

              Besides learning how to develop and create an affective presentation using electronic communication, I also learned a lot about internet privacy and why it is important to thing before posting or typing anything and hitting submit/send. Things that are communicated electronically leave a footprint and are always there, even when someone might think that it has been deleted. I think that this was a valuable lesson to learn and become aware of, and it will definitely make me think twice before I tweet or text something.

Research Essay Presentation