
Summary Planning Post

  1. For this assignment, I decided to start by identifying which of the main points of the article were the most important in order to avoid trying to summarize all of them and being too wordy. After defining the most important points I made a rough general outline which I will then evolve into the first draft of my summary.
  2. Since my outline was rough and not full sentences, there wasn’t a whole lot to review and give feedback on. However my partner did give me the suggestion to reduce down to two main points rather than three in order to be able to elaborate more on two rather than glossing over three.
  3. I will apply his feedback because I realized that 250 words is not a lot to work with, so I would rather be able to use those words efficiently to effectively summarize two main points in order to illustrate a better picture for the reader.
  4. To avoid plagiarism I will make sure to correctly cite my source and avoid simply rewording what the original author said and use my own input. There are many different ways to summarize the same event or article.
  5. Being able to summarize an article or book without plagiarizing the original source is a skill that is necessary for future professional careers as well as college assignments. I will definitely use this skill many times in the future.

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