
Rhetorical Visual Analysis

At the beginning of this project I was having some trouble deciding what to do the visual analysis on. I then saw this ad campaign and became inspired to create the video on this topic. When choosing which rhetorical devices to focus, on I simply just chose the ones that seemed to be the most prevalent. The two that I chose to analyze were contrast and perspective elements. I feel like these two were a huge part of what gave the ad campaign its identity and was the difference between a successful and unsuccessful outcome. The contrast of the colors and lighting focused the attention of the viewers to the important aspects of the campaign such as the logo and hashtag in order to get their message spread. The perspective elements and camera angles allow the photo to get the message to the viewer in the most efficient manner by keeping the important factors in the center of the photo. Since consumers tend to ignore ads when they can and only look at them for a few seconds, it’s important to keep the vital aspects within their view to get that message to them in the short amount of time they spend to look at it.