Electronic Reflection

The largest of the electronic communication assignments and the assignment that I decided best represented my electronic communication was this ePortfolio as a whole. The reason that I value this assignment so highly is how relevant it pertains to the future. With internships and careers right around the corner many employers want to see how well students can communicate and ask for writing samples. To be able to provide an entire ePortfolio that displays not only my written communication but the -OVE forms as well will be extremely valuable. With media being such a core aspect of the business world, corporations understand the value of producing media content rather than simply looking at it in order to keep themselves relevant. Having some background on this will allow me to make myself more marketable to future employers and ease the transition from school to a full time job. By hosting media content rather than trying to influence already existing content it is much easier to display my own voice to the audience and make sure that the point I am trying to get across is as accurate as I can make it. It also allows me to craft my content to reach a specific audience, which is more efficient for me and more convenient for the consumer which will make them more likely to interact with my content. Web content is different than pretty much all of the other content I have produced in my life up until this year, where I have produced web content for both this class and the Iowa State Daily. I am excited for this change, as web content is becoming more and more popular and will likely make up the majority of content I work with as I move forward. This ability to produce web content is versatile, and will benefit me in not only my academic and professional life but also my personal web life. Since social media is public, it is almost impossible to separate your electronic identity from your personal identity. Employers look at an individual’s social media, and if I have well made web content on my personal social media it may make them more likely to hire me. There are also many other uses for this skill, many of which I probably haven’t even discovered yet.

Overall I am glad that I made this ePortfolio. Although challenging and frustrating at times, I would rather work my way up the learning curve of producing web content now rather than later. I most certainly won’t abandon this ePortfolio once I finish this class, as I can maintain it and replace old work with new and better work to represent myself as a communicator to future employers.

December 13, 2017