
Textual Analysis Pre-assignment

This analysis assignment will differ from the summary yet they still share many of the same basic principles. In order for there to be an analysis, one must have an in depth and complete understanding of the text, and therefore a summary is needed. However the summary is no longer the main focus, so it is important to keep the summary down to the essentials and spend more time on the analysis. Although I feel relatively comfortable with analysis due to the amount of time I have spent on it in the last few years of school, I still find analysis more difficult than summary in the fact that I am breaking it down even farther into the dynamics of the writing such as diction and syntax. I plan on starting my analysis by taking the time to find an article that is right for both the topic and myself. Since analysis is a more drawn out and tedious form of writing than summarizing I need to make sure to select an article with enough material to sift through. In my summary assignment I chose to create an outline of the summary, get a peer review of the outline, and then write the summary itself. Although the peer review was very helpful and assisted in shaping the summary to what I wanted it to be, I do believe that I need to change the process in order to better suit this assignment. I plan on writing an entire first draft before subjecting it to a peer review and then making any changes necessary from there. I believe that this will allow me to use the peer review more effectively, as the reader reviewing my draft has an entire copy of my writing to critique as opposed to an outline which simply covers the main points.

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