Dear Ms. Guskaroska,

Within my ePortfolio I have four examples of work that I have done this semester. There is one example for each category of written, visual, oral, and electronic work, each page with an accompanying reflection. Finally, there is a Reflection Blog where I have compiled all the reflections I have done throughout the semester. In order to learn more about me, just click on the “About Me” button at the bottom of this page. These buttons will be on the bottom of each page in order to navigate to pages in order. Here is also a menu to each page on this website.

Example of Written CommunicationReflection

Example of Oral CommunicationReflection

Example of Visual CommunicationReflection

Example of Electronic CommunicationReflection

Reflection Blog

Final Reflection

I have greatly improved my skills as a writer throughout this semester. The area where I have noticed the most change is the tone I take and the accommodations I make when writing an academic paper. In the past, I would try to avoid writing in first person, but sometimes I would break this rule, and I would often write with an informal tone for academic papers. An example of this could be seen in my first draft for the documented essay, where I wrote “let us delve into what exactly builds each argument,” at the end of my introduction paragraph. However, with the help of the peer review and your feedback, I was able to write in language more suited for an academic paper for the rest of the essay. I have applied this to other papers that I submitted as well, and I am more conscious of my language.

Not only did peer review help me in that one situation, but it has also provided valuable insight into each paper I have submitted for my class. Before I submit each paper, I always ask a friend of mine to look over it and point out areas for improvement. This is especially useful as he has taken English 250 before and has experience writing similar essays. It is also helpful as others can point out syntax errors which I would have overlooked.

In the work I have done for this class, I found that I have strengths in each category of work we have done. My papers always had clear organization, so that the reader could easily follow from concept to concept to understand the main point. When it came to the oral component of the class, the feedback I received on my presentations was nearly entirely positive and I felt confident in how I presented. In addition, my PowerPoint slides were engaging and complemented my presentations well. For example, this slide exemplifies how my PowerPoints were visually appealing and useful.

Finally, when it comes to the electronic work I am currently doing, I feel that making the website clear and understandable to the viewer is going particularly well. I provided a menu and buttons for easy navigation. The text is in a clear, non-distracting font, and headings are clearly marked.

The examples I have selected for each category are handpicked to show my best work in this class, and work that I have learned the most from. I hope you find each piece enjoyable and my reflection for each one expresses how much I have learned from this class.

I hope to continue to improve my writing skills and apply what I have learned in this class in future classes and in employment.


Rupsa Raychaudhuri