Case #4

Case Abstract

Truss Right is a fictional company that has recently hired a new employee (the student) as Plant Coordinator. One main goal for the position is to increase workplace communication. It has become evident that the current communication system is malfunctioning due to poor equipment. Students working through this case are asked to write a decision report to management that presents options for the company.

Keywords: Decision Report, Persuasive, Communication, and Tools.

Teaching Goals

The goal of this case is to teach students the importance of tools in a workplace environment that directly affect communication practices and respond by writing a decision report.

Learning Objective

Students will:

  • Assess workplace communication practices
  • Analyze artifacts or tools that impact the work environment
  • Evaluate employee complaints
  • Write a persuasive decision report

Possible Deliverables

  • Decision Report
  • Proposal
  • Presentation
  • Voice Recorded Proposal
  • Video Recorded Proposal


Students will have an understanding of communication in the workplace and how tools play an important role in that process by evaluating the situation presented in this case. Students will also learn from this case how to write a professional document that attempts to persuade an audience.