Ballard, T., Hanson, D., Lutz, B., & Malone, L. (2017). “Building good robots: A case in successful open source learning management.” The Proceedings of the Annual Computers and Writing Conference, 74–81.
Smith, J., Mackiewicz, J., Hanson, D., Fanning, S., & Doan, S. (2016). The communicative work of biology-journal captions: Lessons for technical and professional communication. Technical Communication Quarterly 25(4) 260–277.

Blakely, B., Hanson, D., Vance, B., Grauman, J., Malone, L. (2018). “Reprogramming the composition network: How ePortfolios empower and enable change.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, Missouri.
Blakely, B., Hanson, D., Grauman, J., & Rose, K. (2017). “Reflecting, sustaining, and expanding ISUComm ePortfolios: Challenges and successes.” Council of Writing Program Administrators, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Ballard, T., Hanson, D., Lutz, B., & Malone, L. (2017). “Building good robots: A case in successful open source learning management.” Computers and Writing, Findlay, Ohio. (Forthcoming)
Hanson, D. (2016). Providing students with context for professional communication: Experience report of multimedia case study creation. In Proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication (p. 53). ACM. (Student Research Competition)
Smith, J., Mackiewicz, J., & Hanson, D. (2016). “Favoring egalitarianism through elaborated captions in TPC journals.” Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, Houston, Texas.
Mackiewicz, J., Fanning, S., Hanson, D., Smith, J., & Doan, S. (2015). “Extra(-textual) value: Doing more with captions.” Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, Tampa, Florida.
Hanson, D. (2014). “The digital age of data communication: An analysis of online annual reports and documentary style through data and graphs.” Association of Business Communication International Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Professional Development Workshops
“Teaching with technology.” (2017). ISU English Department brown bag session.
“Preparing for the job market.” (2017). ISU English Department brown bag session.
“Integrating ePortfolios into your classroom.” (2017). ISU English department. Presented with the Online Learning Team.
“ISUComm ePortfolios.” (2016). ISU Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Presented with Dr. Blakely and the Online Learning Team.
“My students have their ePortfolios. Now what do they do with them?” (2016). ISU English department. Presented with the Online Learning Team.
“My students have made their ePortfolios. Now how do I grade them?” (2016). ISU English department. Presented with the Online Learning Team.
“Understanding Moodle: Getting started and customizing your LMS.” (2016). Orientation for Iowa State University graduate TAs. Presented with the Online Learning Team.
“ePortfolio expo.” (2016). ISU English department. Presented with the Online Learning Team.